Pustynia miejsce narodzenia nowego człowieka. Według wskazówek św. Antoniego Pustelnika

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Drozd, I. (2018). Pustynia miejsce narodzenia nowego człowieka. Według wskazówek św. Antoniego Pustelnika. Kwartalnik Naukowy Fides Et Ratio, 33(1), 21-34. Pobrano z http://fidesetratio.com.pl/ojs/index.php/FetR/article/view/577
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Man of our age has lost the sense of direct presence of what is transcendent, incomprehensible, and sacred. Christians today often live as if they had lost the meaning of their lives, forgetting who they really are and where they are going, going blindly, unaware of their value, losing their dignity. How can we find the transforming power of Christian faith and hope in this situation? Where to look for inspiration and strength to rediscover the power of Christianity?

Drawing upon the origins of Christianity, we can see that this inner renaissance of man is truly possible and feasible, and that it is accomplished by the power of the Holy Spirit, by the renewal of the depths of the human heart, and by the return to closeness with God. It was precisely the love of God that restored the possibility of man's being born again, the possibility of moving from a state of death caused by sin to a state of life. But this is done through the desert that we find in our own hearts, which allows us to look at the world as a place to discover the presence of God, regardless of its transitoriness and relative value.

From this perspective, salvation in Christ through the "acquisition of the Holy Spirit" appears as a new way of existence that allows divine energies to penetrate all mankind. The model of this type of life is taken up by St. Anthony the Hermit with all the consequences. His reflections on the experience of the desert as a factor creating a new, reborn man have become valuable guidelines for the contemporary man who astonishes.



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