Czas życia perinatalnego jako przestrzeń rozwoju dziecka i matki

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Tataj-Puzyna, U., Baranowska, B., Bączek, G., & Sys, D. (2018). Czas życia perinatalnego jako przestrzeń rozwoju dziecka i matki. Kwartalnik Naukowy Fides Et Ratio, 33(1), 87-101. Pobrano z
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Modern man increasingly experiences disharmony between the progress of medical knowledge and the level of ethical awareness. This incompatibility takes on specific forms, causes a gradual disappearance of sensitivity to what is essentially human, to relationships, closeness and bond. We can now observe the phenomenon of "impairment of social relations", which is also increasingly transferred to the relationship of the mother and the child during prenatal life. Motherly love, which by its nature is a selfless love, limitless, loses its current character. The presented study is an attempt to show the essence of the formation of the first relationship in the womb, which is the earliest living and development space of the child. A woman who lends to a child, who is aware that she is the first "home" for her child, will take care of herself not only on the level of biology but also in the area of emotional and spiritual life. Awareness that despite the pains and effort, motherhood can influence the intellectual and emotional development of women, can help strengthen humanistic values.




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