Relacje rodzinne a przebaczenie w rodzinie pochodzenia i związkach tworzonych we wczesnej dorosłości

Słowa kluczowe

relacje w rodzinie pochodzenia
związki w wieku dorosłym
badana populacja
młodzi dorośli
satysfakcja z życia rodzinnego
efektywna komunikacja
wybaczenie w rodzinie

Jak cytować

Mróz, J. (2016). Relacje rodzinne a przebaczenie w rodzinie pochodzenia i związkach tworzonych we wczesnej dorosłości. Kwartalnik Naukowy Fides Et Ratio, 26(2), 67-78. Pobrano z
Język / Language
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The aim of this paper is to present the relationship between relations in the family of origin and forgiveness, both in the very family and in relationships established in adulthood. Forgiveness has been reported to be a significant component of satisfactory and lasting relationships, especially in a family and in close relationships; what is more, forgiveness is additionally important for functioning of the person. Studied population was composed of young adults (N=103). Obtained results show that higher cohesion of family relationships and satisfaction with family life, as well as effective communication within a family and low level of chaos are conducive to forgiveness in a family. Low level of enmeshment is, on the other hand, the most important for forgiveness in relationships established in adulthood.





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