Experiencing Migraine and the Assessment of the Quality of Life in the Context of Feeling Ressentiment Considering Causes for Increasing Depression and Anxiety


quality of life

How to Cite

Karbowski, M., & Nowicka, A. (2024). Experiencing Migraine and the Assessment of the Quality of Life in the Context of Feeling Ressentiment Considering Causes for Increasing Depression and Anxiety. Quarterly Journal Fides Et Ratio, 59(3), 125-140. https://doi.org/10.34766/fer.v59i3.1291


Migraine is a chronic neurological disease. Research indicates that it has a significant negative impact on daily functioning and, consequently, on the quality of life. Migraine sufferers often experience psychological strain, which can lead to anxiety disorders, depression, and feelings of ressentiment. This article attempts at examining these threads. The study involved 120 women experiencing migraine headaches. The subjects completed several questionnaires: Headache Impact Test (HIT-6) – used to assess the impact of headaches on the life of a person with migraine; Migraine Disability Assessment (MIDAS) – to assess the disability of a person with migraine; General Health Questionnaire – Goldberg (GHQ-28) – to assess adults’ mental health; World Health Organization Quality of Life Test-Bref (WHOQOL-BREF) – to assess the quality of life; State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI) – to assess the severity of anxiety; Beck Depression Scale – a screening tool examining the presence and severity of depressive traits; and the Ressentiment Questionnaire. The results show that migraine significantly affects the quality of life of the surveyed women; moreover, ressentiment, as indicated in the research, causes feelings of anxiety and depression and plays an intermediary role in the relationship between migraine and quality of life. As migraines increase in severity and their consequences, the levels of anxiety, depression, and ressentiment increase as well, which negatively affects women’s quality of life.



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