Profiles of depression in adolescents in the context of depressive symptoms, selected psychosocial and demographic characteristics – cluster analysis


psychosocial characteristics
cluster analysis

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Baranowska, A., Mausch, K., & Ryś, E. (2024). Profiles of depression in adolescents in the context of depressive symptoms, selected psychosocial and demographic characteristics – cluster analysis. Quarterly Journal Fides Et Ratio, 59(3), 110-124.


The aim of the study was to determine and characterize the profiles of the studied adolescents in terms of depression, psychosocial and demographic characteristics using a hierarchical cluster analysis. In the presented research, the characteristics of the clusters include data on: the occurrence of depressive symptoms, mood (general and situational), basic emotions, loneliness, personal competences, coping with stress, gender and age. During and after the COVID 19 pandemic, a global increase in depression in children and adolescents has been observed. The study of the relationships between symptoms of depression, psychosocial and demographic characteristics aims to deepen the knowledge and use it in the development of programs for interventions, support and therapy in medical and educational practice. The presented research involved students of grades 4-8, aged 11 to 16 (M = 12.5), 53% – girls, 42% – boys, 5% did not answer. The analyzes showed the existence of four clusters. There are significant relationships between the intensity of depressive symptoms, psychosocial features and gender in the surveyed adolescents, i.e. with the severity of depressive symptoms, the following decreases: the level of self-efficacy, the use of active coping, the experience of positive mood and joy, increases level of loneliness, dominance of negative mood and experiencing negative emotions (fear, anger, guilt, sadness). Two different profiles were identified in people with moderate depressive symptoms. The obtained research results confirm the heterogeneity of the phenomenon of depression, which is revealed by different pictures (profiles) of this disorder, also within a specific type. The research results confirm the position that the symptoms of depressive symptoms described by teenagers are not always consistent with the diagnostic criteria, therefore the phenomenon of depression in children and adolescents requires further recognition. The presented results confirm the validity of the position that it is necessary to increase and adapt intervention activities at school aimed at children and youth to gender and gender in order to strengthen their personal resources.


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