Marriage love – conditions for the success of fundamental relationship in the family
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How to Cite

Weryszko, M. (2020). Marriage love – conditions for the success of fundamental relationship in the family. Quarterly Journal Fides Et Ratio, 41(1), 129-143.


Despite changes in social life, a successful marriage is still the most important life goal of young adults. Research shows that the vast majority of people in this age group plan to get married in the near or distant future. Given that more and more marriages are falling apart, it is reasonable to consider the factors that are important for building a successful relationship. This article presents two groups of conditions: those that work before marriage and those that matter during marriage. The first group includes marriage maturity and the choice of a spouse. The second group includes external and internal conditions. These include the social situation, living conditions, family relationships, having children, the partners’ ability to communicate and the duration of marriage.
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Copyright (c) 2020 Quarterly Journal Fides et Ratio


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