The role of delayed echolalia in the communication process of children with autism spectrum disorders
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autism spectrum disorder, echolalia, communications

How to Cite

Lew-Koraleiwcz, A. (2020). The role of delayed echolalia in the communication process of children with autism spectrum disorders. Quarterly Journal Fides Et Ratio, 42(2), 186-198.


Dysfunctions in the communication process are one of the basic symptoms of autism spectrum disorders. Quantitative, qualitative and pragmatic language deficits affect most people with ASD. One of the characteristic problems is echolalia, which can be immediate, deleyed or functional. The aim of the article is to analyze the function of deleyed echolalia in a group of children with ASD. The ethnographic method was used in the research process conducted in the qualitative strategy. Based on the analyzes to which the statements of people with autism were subjected, it can be concluded that deleyed echolalia can perform communication functions and constitute a basis for the development of further language skills.
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