The application of the Montreal Cognitive Assessment Scale to study the intellectual functioning of people with intellectual disabilities
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communication of people with disabilities
Montreal Cognitive Assessment Scale
intellectual disability

How to Cite

Ulman, P. (2020). The application of the Montreal Cognitive Assessment Scale to study the intellectual functioning of people with intellectual disabilities. Quarterly Journal Fides Et Ratio, 42(2), 199-205.


The aim of the work is to show people with intellectual disabilities in the field of cognitive functions using the Montreal MoCA 7.2 Cognitive Assessment Scale. Prepare it is available and checked for diagnosis of dementia. Due to the shortage of tools that can assess the level of cognitive functions in people with intellectual disabilities, browse the methods browser, it has already been easier to make diagnoses regarding the degree of disability in the users of the Community Self-Help Home. Based on the conducted research, a difference in the level of performance was noticed in people in the group with intellectual disabilities in the main lessons, as well as in the group of people with disabilities in the deeper level.
pdf (Język Polski)


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