Dialogue of cultures? Studying in European languages in Sub-Saharan Africa. Case study: Madagascar
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dialogue of cultures, intercultural education, indigenous cultures, Malagasy student, teaching in a foreign language

How to Cite

Lendzion, K. (2020). Dialogue of cultures? Studying in European languages in Sub-Saharan Africa. Case study: Madagascar. Quarterly Journal Fides Et Ratio, 42(2), 381-394. https://doi.org/10.34766/fetr.v42i2.248


As in all the other countries of sub-Saharan Africa, instruction at the middle-school level are provided in a European language. Malagasy schoolchildren whose interactions within the family and among neighbours are conducted exclusively in their native tongue, learn to use French, and get to know European culture. It must be highlighted that teaching a foreign language is not limited to teaching a system of signs and formal structures; it is also the teaching of a different culture. This is why, foreign language teaching should be based on the guidelines of intercultural education which relies on a dialogue of cultures which in turn takes into account of richness and uniqueness of every culture.

In 2016 and 2018 the author conducted field research among Malagasy students. Her questions related – among others –- to the attitude of the indigenous children to Malagasy spoken at home and French spoken at school. The garnered material shows that the Malagasy syllabus is not based on a dialogue of cultures. The native language, and thus the Malagasy culture, become depreciated in the course of education. The respondents indicated that the native Malagasy language has a high symbolic value and is treated as the indicator of their national identify; for all that, its value in the area of education and employment is rather low. The French language, on the other hand, enjoys high prestige among the students as the language of science, culture, and novel technologies. French is associated with success and with educated persons. Very often its importance in the contemporary world is also overestimated by the respondents.

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