Health behaviour of primiparous over 35 years of age
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advanced maternal age
assisted reproductive technologies
health behaviours

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Kiersnowska, I., Bączek, G., Walewska, D., & Węgrzyn, P. (2020). Health behaviour of primiparous over 35 years of age. Quarterly Journal Fides Et Ratio, 43(3), 165-176.


Background: Motherhood over 35 once more common in developed countries is becoming the rule all over the world. With the development of the possibilities of assisted reproductive technologies (ART), there is a rising belief that maternity plans can be postponed. A connection between male and female infertility and later health and the influence of genetic and hormonal factors and lifestyle has been found. Material and methods: The study compares a two group of primiparous after with the natural fertilization (n=128) and methods of assisted reproductive technology (n=49) for the assessment health behaviors (proper nutritional habits, positive mental attitude, preventive behaviors, health practices) by means of a standardized questionnaire of the Juczyński Health Behavior Inventory (HBI). Results: Both groups were treated with surgical methods before pregnancy due to infertility. In the group of women after ART fertilization, statistically more often pregnancy was twin (11% vs. 0.8%, p=0.001) and gestational diabetes (31% vs. 12%, p=0.002) and pregnancy induced hypertension (16% vs. 6%, p=0.046) was observed. The mean value of HBI does not differ statistically in both groups and is 92.61±9.87, which corresponds to a high level of health behaviour. There were no statistically significant differences between proper nutritional habits (4.01 in the group after ART fertilization and 4.02 in women after natural fertilization), positive mental attitude (3.81 vs. 3.84 respectively), preventive behaviors (3.81 vs. 3.84) and health practices (3.76 vs. 3.66). Conclusions: Primiparous over 35 years of age presenting a high level of health behaviours, especially in field of proper nutritional habits.
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