Parastic infection and fertility
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parasitic infections
reproductive health
immune response
parasitological diagnosis

How to Cite

Janz, O., & Smyczyńska, J. (2020). Parastic infection and fertility. Quarterly Journal Fides Et Ratio, 43(3), 419-429.


Parasitic infections have been a serious problem in the human population over the centuries. The mechanisms of action of parasites in the host system are discussed in the paper, with particular emphasis on immunological phenomena. Basic principles of parasitic infection diagnostics based on stool, blood and other biological materials tests are presented. On the basis of current literature (epidemiological studies in humans, experimental studies on animals), the impact of selected parasitic infections on fertility, pregnancy complications and the health of the offspring is discussed. The first observations from own practice in the causal center for infertility treatment were presented. Due to the significant impact of parasitic infections on human health, including reproductive health, it is necessary to include them in the diagnosis of couples reporting the problem of infertility. This requires a holistic view of patients and broad multidisciplinary cooperation, including physicians of various specialties and qualified laboratory diagnostics.
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