The will to meaning in the course of life: logotheory as useful conceptual framework for explanation and prevention of suicides, part 2.
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will to meaning, life span, suicidal tendencies

How to Cite

Ruczaj, J. (2020). The will to meaning in the course of life: logotheory as useful conceptual framework for explanation and prevention of suicides, part 2 . Quarterly Journal Fides Et Ratio, 44(4), 334-348.


The aim of this paper is to describe the experience of meaning in the life span. We analyse statements given by respondents in order to learn of their priority needs and values. Material and methods: The paper presents the results of a study conducted in a group of 115 people aged 2 to 87 years. To collect data, a survey was used. The qualitative analysis of the collected data was carried out by reference to Frankl's logotheory. Results: The results of the conducted study indicate the relationship between one's self-image, its system of values on the and subjective experience of meaning. Conclusions: The results of the study are interpreted in relation to the experiences of persons with suicidal tendencies. The interpretation is guided by the assumption that learning of the life motivation of individuals who experience their existence as meaningful helps to identify deficiencies that cause self-destructive tendencies in suicidal persons.
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