Young people from the Z and Alpha generations as a task for educators, i.e. about the need to "catch a wave"
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generation Z
generation Alpha
intergenerational pedagogical relations

How to Cite

Nowicka, M. (2020). Young people from the Z and Alpha generations as a task for educators, i.e. about the need to "catch a wave". Quarterly Journal Fides Et Ratio, 44(4), 164-176.


Abstract: The aim of the article is to show the changes in the behavior of young people in the context of generational changes, with an emphasis on the approach of the Australian social researcher and futurist Mark McCrindle. Particular attention was paid to the Z and Alpha generations, whose representatives use digital media in many areas of life. The direction of theoretical analyzes was determined by two questions: how do digital technologies determine the lives of the youngest generations and what does it mean for the activities of educators? The article is based on literature studies (analysis of existing documents). The conclusions do not provide unambiguous answers, however, they indicate the importance of getting to know the young generation, accepting its transformation, pointing to alternative forms of functioning in the real world, satisfying the need for community and belonging.
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