Toward an Environmental Psychology: psychometric properties of the Polish version of the Environmental Identity Scale
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Environmental Identity Scale
psychometric properties
environmental psychology

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Larionov, P. (2020). Toward an Environmental Psychology: psychometric properties of the Polish version of the Environmental Identity Scale. Quarterly Journal Fides Et Ratio, 44(4), 190-208.


The article presents the psychometric properties of the Polish version of the Environmental Identity Scale (EID Scale) developed by Clayton (2003). The survey was conducted in the sample (N = 212) among adults aged 18–63. The convergent and divergent validity were assessed on the basis of the correlation between the EID Scale with the scale of rumination about self and the rumination about the social world (Rumination Questionnaire), the personality traits of the Big Five model (Ten Item Personality Inventory), the sense of safety (Safety Experience Questionnaire) and the materialistic values (Material Values Scale). The one-factor structure of the EID Scale was confirmed. The parameters of model fit took the next values: RMSEA (0,037; 90%CI: 0,024; 0,048), GFI (0,959), CFI (0,983), TLI (0,981), SRMR (0,079), χ2/df (324,815/252 = 1,29). The reliability of the Polish version of the EID Scale was high (Cronbach's alpha coefficient α was 0,91). The Polish version of the EID Scale has very good psychometric properties. The use of the EID Scale creates new opportunities in the development of environmental psychology in Poland.
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