The coronavirus pandemic caused a very critical situation on a global scale, which led to complete and forced isolation in social life and interpersonal communication. On an educational level, this has been a new and unexpected challenge, which has led to the use of a distance learning model. It is also a new experience for both students and teachers. This fact inspired an empirical study of my own, the aim of which was to find out students' opinions on this form of teaching in relation to their personal experience and the implementation of e-learning in academic practice.
Therefore, the main research problem was formulated as follows: What are the opinions of students on distance learning during the pandemic? In the empirical own research the method of diagnostic survey with questionnaire technique was applied, SWOT questionnaire was used.
The research was conducted in May/June 2020, at two selected universities. It was attended by 172 students of pedagogical faculties. The results obtained from the research indicate that distance learning has both specific positive and negative sides. However, the greater percentage distribution of the obtained data is in the aspect of weaknesses. Undoubtedly, there are still many activities that should be introduced into the practice and everyday academic education. Perhaps some creative solution would be to introduce only some elements of distance learning, which could contribute to better acquisition of digital and IT competences, and help in developing students' activity, self-discipline and independent learning.
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