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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • A document containing the content of the article (with title, abstracts, keywords and bibliography) in a .doc or .docx file has been prepared.
  • The article has not been previously published in whole or in part.
  • A title page has been prepared containing the title of the article, details of the author(s) including academic title, ORCID numbers and affiliations in a separate .doc or .docx file
  • In research papers, tables and graphs were prepared in separate files.
  • Footnotes and bibliography were prepared in accordance with the guidelines for Authors.

Author Guidelines

Publication rules

The editorial staff accepts articles that correspond to the profile of the journal corresponding to the main topic of a given issue of the Quarterly. The topics of subsequent issues are announced on the Quarterly website in the News tab.

For publication we only accept articles of a high scholarly level, constituting an original and in-depth study of a given problem, with the use of the latest professional literature, as well as with correctly edited - in accordance with the rules adopted in the Quarterly - footnotes and bibliography. 

Article submission

Articles should be sent through the article submission system available on the journal’s website. The author should register in the system creating an individual account. After registration, a text file and all required metadata should be entered: first and last name; address; postcode; city; province; phone; e-mail address; password; academic title, affiliation and ORCID.  

In case of technical problems, please contact the editorial board.


Technical requirements


We publish articles in Polish, English, French and Italian. Texts should be sent without special formatting, word splitting and blank lines. The headings should be highlighted in bold. No full stops should be placed after the separate headings. Quotations in the text should be written using quotation marks. The use of italics is reserved for book titles, journal titles and short phrases or expressions in a foreign language.

The structure of the manuscript should be as follows:

Title page (to be placed in the metadata)

The metadata should contain the title of the paper in Polish and English, full names of the authors, academic titles, affiliations and ORCID of each of the co-authors. The exact details of the corresponding author should also be provided. 


Abstract and keywords (3 to 5 in alphabetical order) should be given in Polish and English and placed on a separate page.

Basic text

Footnotes - in accordance with the Harvard standard (we recommend using a bibliography manager, e.g. Zotero, EndNote).

For the creation of bibliographic footnotes, the Harvard system should be used:

(a) direct references in the text (in brackets - name of the author, year of publication and page if applicable);

(b) bibliography at the end of the text, including a full bibliographic description.

Numbers are particularly required when literally quoting text. According to the Harvard system, names, year and page numbers are separated by a comma.

If the publication has 2 authors, their names are separated by a comma.

When a publication has three, four or five authors, in the first citation all of them should be enumerated, and in the next citation only the first, replacing the others with the abbreviation “i in.” in the Polish or “et al.” in the English version of the paper.

Two or more publications of different authors quoted in one footnote: the authors are listed in alphabetical order, references to their publications are separated by semicolon.

More than one publication of an author: after the author’s name we write chronologically the years of publication.

If both publications were published in the same year, the letters of the alphabet (a, b, etc.) will be added after the entry.

When authors have the same name: publications are distinguished by putting the first letter of the first name before the author’s name. 

Figures and tables

Figures and photographs should be attached in separate graphic files (with the .jpg extension) numbered consecutively with Arabic numerals in the order they appear in the text. Titles of figures together with numbering should be given after the bibliography. Tables should be placed at the end of the text, numbered consecutively with Arabic numerals and provided with the title.

Explanations to the table, e.g. abbreviation expansion, is given in the footers below the table. 

Bibliography (references)

Bibliographical record


Surname, first name (initial). (year). Book title (italics), Place of publication: Publishing house.

Example: Smith, J.A. (2021). Psychology. London: Publishing House.

An article in a book:

Surname (author of the article), First Name (abbreviation). (year). Title of the article, (in:) First name (abbreviation). Surname [of the book editor] (edited), Title of the book (in italics), (pages of the whole given article from - to), Place of publishing: Publishing house.

Example: Smith, M.A. (2023). Loneliness. (In:) Z.B. Rathrle, U.K.  Parkins (eds.), Feeling of loneliness in young adults, 17-51, London: Scientific Publish House.

An article in the Journal:

Surname (author of the article), First Name (abbreviation). (year). The title of the article, the title of the Journal (in italics), no, (pages of the entire article from-to).

Example: Heinkell, L.M., Garmon, E. (2022). The clinical significance hapiness: A literature review. Psychology Review, 28, 1295-1318.


In the bibliography, for books constituting the collection of articles the pages referred to by the author are not given, but the pages of the entire articles (from-to). Data concerning the entire articles also apply to journals (i.e. the pages of the entire article should be given from-to).

For journals we do not write (in:), we do not give the place of publication of the journal.

The footnotes must be given next to each paragraph in which the Author refers to someone else’s words; otherwise the anti-plagiarism program will reveal the footnotes are lacking, which may cause problems for the Author.

In the case of Internet sources, the bibliography should include the current URLs of the websites referred to.

In the bibliographical list, the DOI number of articles, if applicable, should be added.

Privacy Statement

Privacy policy


As Fides et Ratio Academic Society, we protect the privacy of the Authors when using our online services, as we comply with the relevant legal regulations on the protection of personal data (including Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation, GDPR), we also protect the Authors’ data from the technical point of view. We do not hand over any Author’s data to unauthorized entities.

The copyright policy for materials published in "Quarterly Journal Fides et Ratio" is as follows: copyright for published materials is retained by the authors. Articles published in "Fides et Ratio Scientific Quarterly" are covered under the terms of the Creative Commons CC BY 4.0 International license, which permits:

Sharing - Copying and distribution of works in any medium and format; for any purpose, including commercial.
Adaptations - Remix, alter and create upon the work for any purpose, including commercial.

Under the following conditions:

Attribution - You must label the work appropriately, provide a link to the license and indicate if changes have been made to it. This can be done in any reasonable manner, as long as it does not imply endorsement by the licensor of the person making the change or the manner in which the work is used.
Without additional restrictions - you may not use legal or technological means that restrict others from using the work under the terms of the license.


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As the Fides et Ratio Academic Society, we protect the privacy of Authors and Reviewers who use our services, as we follow the relevant regulations on the protection of personal data (including Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation, GDPR), we also protect the data of Authors and Reviewers in terms of the technical aspect. We do not hand any User’s data over to unauthorized entities.