Lifetime physical activity and the cognitive condition of adults. Research of three independent groups of Polish adults


cognitive functioning
physical activity

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Szepietowska, E. M., & Dąbal, A. (2023). Lifetime physical activity and the cognitive condition of adults. Research of three independent groups of Polish adults. Quarterly Journal Fides Et Ratio, 53(1), 112-124.


One of the typical symptoms of aging is the deterioration of the functioning level in specific cognitive areas. A significant number of research reports suggest that physical activity over the life course may be conducive to maintaining cognitive efficiency in late adulthood and old age. Aim: Research was undertaken to investigate whether the level of the reported physical activity over the life span can determine cognitive performance in the selected areas in adults. Material and methods: The material was collected from 2019. Individuals aged 40+ were invited to participate in the study. Three independent assessments were carried out in separate groups of subjects (Group 1: N = 120; Group 2: N = 90; Group 3: N = 60). A total of 270 individuals participated in the study. A questionnaire designed by the authors was used to assess the intensity of physical activity. The MoCA test, WAIS-R PL subtests, verbal fluency tests, BDI-II and DEX-S were applied to assess cognitive and emotional functions. In Group 3 the Trail Making Test was also used. Results: Linear regression analyses showed significant similarities across groups. Higher age was associated with lower cognitive performance, whereas higher level of physical activity reported by the subjects corresponded to better efficiency in the specific cognitive competencies. Physical activity was the main determinant of cognitive performance in the youngest study group (aged between 45 and 60 years). Conclusions: Older age promotes cognitive decline. Higher level of the reported lifetime physical activity positively affects cognitive functioning at later stages of life. Physical activity may play a compensatory role and support cognitive competencies in older adults, especially in operations involving executive functions. However, the relation between physical activity and cognitive performance varies depending on the age of the subjects. The older a person gets, the more important the age factor becomes for the level of cognitive functioning, and the observed impact of physical activity decreases.


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