The problem of sexoholism and cybersex in the context of sex life disorders and human social functioning
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How to Cite

Sarzała, D. (2019). The problem of sexoholism and cybersex in the context of sex life disorders and human social functioning. Quarterly Journal Fides Et Ratio, 39(3), 297-311.


This article addresses the issue of sexoholism and cybersex, which are one of the new forms of behavioral addiction that have a number of negative effects associated with the loss of control over the sexual sphere. The aim of the article is to analyze the destructive dimension of sexoholism and cyber sex and to show these phenomena as factors disrupting the sexual life and social functioning of man. The article therefore focuses on showing the specifics and analysis of diagnostic criteria and the etiology and negative effects of sexoholism and cybersex. The role of upbringing and prevention in counteracting these phenomena was also pointed out.

Key words: sexoholism, cybersex, sex life, sex addiction, sex education
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