Communication in logotherapy as phenomenological cognition of another human being


meaning of life
existential communication

How to Cite

Sipowicz, K., Podlecka , M., & Pietras, T. (2022). Communication in logotherapy as phenomenological cognition of another human being. Quarterly Journal Fides Et Ratio, 50(2), 111-116.


The aim of this paper is to outline the issue of communication in logotherapy on the basis of existential communication, which is the foundation of phenomenological cognition of another human being. The basic assumptions of logotherapy have been presented in the context of the issue of the location of psychotherapy in relation to the question of its essence, and at the same time the basic catalyst for therapeutic change – the techniques developed on the basis of empirical evidence, or a therapeutic relationship. The next part of the article outlines the form of existential communication according to K. Jaspers in the context of phenomenological cognition of another human being.  On the background of logotherapy, the meeting of Me and You, full of authentic acceptance and devoid of ready-made interpretative patterns, allows us to discover the freedom “to”, which provides a space for authentic selection and implementation of values, taking responsibility for one’s own existence, and consequently – experiencing the meaning of life.


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