Marital communication and relationship satisfaction - The differential role of gender patterns


communication in marriage
relationship satisfaction
gender patterns
psychological gender

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Lipińska-Grobelny, A. (2022). Marital communication and relationship satisfaction - The differential role of gender patterns. Quarterly Journal Fides Et Ratio, 50(2), 92-102.


The aim of the study was to examine whether gender schemas differentiate marital communication and relationship satisfaction. Most analyses are conducted with reference to biological sex. Psychological gender distinguishes the construct of gender differences. The study involved 400 people (200 women and 200 men) who were married, economically active and had at least one child. The respondents completed the Marital Communication Questionnaire (KKM), the Masculinity and Femininity Scale (SMiK) and the Relationship Satisfaction Scale. The results obtained indicate
a differential role of gender schemas in terms of preferred conversational styles. Psychological gender does not affect relationship satisfaction. Furthermore, the gender patterns evident in the four psychological gender types differentiate the relationship of spouses' communication with their ratings of relationship satisfaction. To conclude, including the construct of psychological gender in the analyses is important from the point of view of research as well as practice. Firstly, it deepens knowledge on relationship satisfaction and communication in marriage, secondly, the knowledge gained may find practical application e.g. in marriage therapy.


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