Motherhood during the COVID-19 pandemic in Poland – qualitative studies


prenatal education
COVID-19 pandemic
qualitative studies

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Stępień, O., Dębska, M., Klimanek, J., Szlendak, B., Vermeulen, J., & Bączek, G. (2023). Motherhood during the COVID-19 pandemic in Poland – qualitative studies. Quarterly Journal Fides Et Ratio, 53(1), 27-37.


To analyse the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on women experiencing motherhood in the areas of perception, adaptation and assessment of the pandemic situation.  Material and method: A qualitative study was conducted using semi-structured interviews. The interviews were conducted in a group of 25 women aged 22-41 who gave birth during the pandemic. Most of the respondents live in the city with more than 500,000 inhabitants, and have a higher education. In most cases, the research material was collected by means of face to face interviews, and in the case of 9 women, using remote techniques. Results: The results do not demonstrate a decreased interest in motherhood during the COVID-19 pandemic. Most of the respondents had planned their pregnancy and complied with the sanitary regime. Online prenatal education turned out to be a good solution for the study group at the time of restrictions. The number of antenatal visits was not increased as compared to previous pregnancies. Five respondents were considering a homebirth. The respondents complained of reduced well-being, which resulted in the recurrence of depressive moods. Most concerns were related to the reliability of tele-counselling and the availability of the doctor and partner during childbirth. Conclusions: The analysis of the respondents’ answers leads to the conclusion that the COVID-19 pandemic had a significant influence on the mental state of women giving birth at that time. The most difficult aspect for the respondents was the prohibition of giving birth in the presence of family, no mental support and feeling lonely both during the pregnancy and after childbirth at the time of quarantine. The COVID-19 pandemic did not have a significant effect on the perception of motherhood by women or on their reproduction plans.


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