Starting a family and caring for your offspring is a task of a paramount importance in the life of every person. This belief is unchangeable since the ages past and was popular also in 19th century, when love was not the most important virtue in marriage and childrens’ mortality rate was maintaining a very substantial number. The person who knew it the best was „the Grandmother of Europe” – Queen Victoria who, together with her husband, prince Albert, fostered nine children, and her descendants to this day reign over some of the thrones of Europe.
In this article the mindset of Queen Victoria, in regards to parenthood, will be shown on the basis of journals and her correspondences. Motherhood was a „darker side” of marriage. In that century It was a duty of every woman to fulfill it. High number of pregnancies and problems with properly fostering a family, left a physical and mental mark on Victoria, which is why her view on upbringing may surprise and shock.
Relationship of Victoria and Albert was not as harmonious as people thought, because of couple’s differences in character. Rashness and short temper of Victoria fought Albert’s calmness and mindfulness – that was the picture of their married life for over 20 years. Numerous rows and arguments were a constant element of their life. On the one hand feeling of being intellectually inferior, on the other, low social status, those were the main reasons for disagreements between spouses. During their marriage Albert tried to change Victoria’s character. To some extend he succeeded, but the price was his health. The picture of the royal family perceived by their people was different to reality, but warmth and joy of family life, without disagreements and maintaining all moral codes, were supposed to be a trademark of family in Victorian era.
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