Family (systemic) factors influencing life standards and health of working class


mature personality
family features

How to Cite

Litwińska-Rączka, K. (2023). Family (systemic) factors influencing life standards and health of working class. Quarterly Journal Fides Et Ratio, 53(1), 137-143.


Adults function simultaneously in several areas, among which the most important ones are family and work. In these areas, they meet their needs and experience satisfaction as long as they are able to use them in a mature way. This, in turn, is largely conditioned by previous experiences–those from childhood. The article is a reflection on systemic factors affecting the quality of life and personality maturity of adults. Almost all of us are brought up in families. From the family we take behavior patterns, experience patterns and personality traits. Our traits, schema, and patterns of behavior affect our quality of life and maturity. Therefore, it is important that they are optimal and functional. The author uses the knowledge and research in the field of family psychology and family therapy. The definitions of a mature personality according to Irwin Yalom (therapist) and the concepts of a positive quality of life are adopted. Numerous Polish and foreign studies are cited to show the relationship between professional success and life satisfaction and the personality traits previously shaped in the family. The author presents the characteristics of families that are conducive to the maturity of their members. Special attention is drawn to the importance of the marital relationship and the sense of happiness of the spouses as the factors determining the functioning of the whole family and affecting it so that it becomes either healthy or dysfunctional. The author emphasises the characteristics of families related to their structure, communication, system boundaries and self-esteem. She writes about the dynamic balance of the family and the freedom to express one’s own thoughts and feelings as the key features of a proper family system. When children experience family characteristics which are conducive to a mature personality, health and a sense of happiness, then, as adults, they succeed in various fields of life. Therefore, it seems extremely important to reflect on systemic (family) factors affecting the quality of life and human maturity.


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