The theory of positive youth development – Polish adaptation of the PYD-SF and PYD-VSF questionnaires


positive youth development
PYD-SF adaptation
PYD-VSF adaptation

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Barłóg, M. (2023). The theory of positive youth development – Polish adaptation of the PYD-SF and PYD-VSF questionnaires. Quarterly Journal Fides Et Ratio, 53(1), 77-84.


The article presents the theory of positive youth development, its main assumptions and practical implications for work with youth. At the same time, the publication is a report on the adaptation of the PYD-SF-PL questionnaires and the shortened version of PYD-VSF-PL, used to measure the five main indicators of adaptation to adulthood (5 Cs). The study involved 573 people aged 14 to 25 (x = 18.5; Sd = 2.7). The questionnaires in the Polish version are characterized by good psychometric properties: they are reliable (alpha of the full version = 0.905; alpha of the shortened version = 0.843) and accurate, correlations with the level of perceived social support, the level of life satisfaction and mental resilience were observed.


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