The role of the need for cognition in coping with difficulties – research review


emotional intelligence
need for cognition

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Żmuda, A. (2023). The role of the need for cognition in coping with difficulties – research review. Quarterly Journal Fides Et Ratio, 54(2), 24-32.


The need for cognition is associated primarily with the functioning of the cognitive sphere, motivation to engage in intellectual tasks, inquisitiveness and curiosity. Meanwhile, researchers indicate that it can also affect human life in other areas. The need for cognition transpires to be a tendency to cognitive effort not only in terms of intellectual tasks, but also in interpersonal situations and emotionally demanding situations. The article presents a description of this variable, its correlates as well as the specificity of the functioning of people with a high need for cognition. Studies showing the importance of the need for cognition for the functioning of an individual in interpersonal relationships and for coping with difficult situations have been compiled. The relationship between the need for cognition and human emotionality and its importance as a resource in human life have been emphasized.


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