Sources of individual differences in human musical activity: selected neurophysiological and developmental aspects


individual differences
musical abilities
musical intelligence

How to Cite

Swebodziński, B., Brzezina, Łukasz, Cybulski, K., & Meisner, A. (2023). Sources of individual differences in human musical activity: selected neurophysiological and developmental aspects. Quarterly Journal Fides Et Ratio, 55(3), 148-155.


The article is devoted to individual differences in the field of human musical activity. Musical abilities were taken into account in terms of development, emphasizing the prenatal period of a man. The attention was paid to important aspects in further human development, taking into account heritability and the influence of the environment. They used neurophysiological indicators of changes in development that define neuroplasticity. The importance of characteristics relating to perception, musical intelligence and manual skills was also noted. It is also associated with individual differences in physical activity as a response to music or support in musical performance. The importance of own work in the development of musical abilities was also taken into account. It turns out to be equally important to emphasize the development of musical abilities within the recalling game as opposed to the improvisational one, which is correlated with the variable activation of the neurophysiological task-positive and task-negative networks. The cross-sectional approach to the problem shows the complexity of the musical activity itself which justifies the wide variance of musical abilities analyzed in terms of individual differences which underlie the neurophysiological mechanisms conditioning developmental changes and resulting from own work.


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