Attitudes of students at Lublin universities towards transplantation and their personal values



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Pawłowski, P., Chatys, K. M., Ziętara, K. J., Kościołek, A., Wysokiński, M., Fidecki, W., Adamska-Kuźmicka, I., Sadurska, A., Walas, L., & Przylepa, K. (2023). Attitudes of students at Lublin universities towards transplantation and their personal values. Quarterly Journal Fides Et Ratio, 55(3), 176-184.


Background: Nowadays, transplantation is the only effective method for saving human lives when organs fail. Its choice in clinical practice encounters numerous barriers along the way, related to religious, ethical, social, and moral considerations. Nowadays, there are many changes in the hierarchy of values of young adults, and it is therefore important to analyse their impact on the perception of socio-cultural processes, including transplantation. Aim of the study: To analyse values and their influence on attitudes towards organ transplantation among students at Lublin universities. Material and methods: The study was conducted using a diagnostic survey method, with a survey technique. A self-administered survey questionnaire and a standardised tool List of Personal Values (Lista wartości osobistych, LWO), bearing a label were used. The study involved 205 respondents studying at three universities in Lublin (Medical University, Catholic University of Lublin, Maria Curie–Skłodowska University). Statistical analyses were performed using the SPSS Statistics package. Relationships between attitudes towards transplantation and sociodemographic variables and values were analysed using Kruskal-Wallis H tests and Spearman’s rho correlation coefficient. A graphical presentation of the results was made using summary tables and bar charts. Results and conclusions: Hierarchy of personal values has no influence on attitudes towards transplantation. Age, gender, type of university and religion are not related to students’ attitudes towards the transplant procedure. There are correlations between place of residence and attitude towards religious practice and students’ attitudes towards transplantation.


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