A cross-sectional study on Polish Medical Students’ knowledge of Fertility Awareness-based Methods


Natural Family Planning (NFP)
Fertility Awareness-based Methods (FAM)
restorative medicine
procreative health

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Zgodzińska, K., Ślizień-Kuczapska, E., Tęsny, T., Czeczelewski, M., Sys, D., & Rabijewski, M. (2023). A cross-sectional study on Polish Medical Students’ knowledge of Fertility Awareness-based Methods. Quarterly Journal Fides Et Ratio, 55(3), 19-26. https://doi.org/10.34766/fetr.v55i3.1195


Fertility Awareness-based Methods (FAMs) observe physiological signs to determine fertile and infertile phases in a women's cycle. WHO recommends to use both natural family planning (NFP) or FAM as a synonym. They may serve as methods for family planning as well as a procreation health monitor in restorative medicine and as a useful biomarker in management of reproductive-health disorders. Unfortunately, this knowledge is marginalized during medical education. A cross-sectional study was performed among 542 Polish medical students to assess their skills in NFP. The most common NFP method indicated by 84.9% students was the Calendar Method, the one with historical value. The Billings Method and Creighton Model System were known by 42% and 14% participants respectively, while Multi Index Methods were known by 26.4%. A total of 6% of the respondents use NFP themselves. The largest group of students (42%) assessed the effectiveness of NFP in avoiding pregnancy at about 50%. The results show little interest and incomplete knowledge in up to date NFP among future medical professionals. It seems there is an urgent need to introduce this subject into medical education as a valuable tool to understand and monitor procreation health as well as family planning method.



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