The concept of faith from Benedict to Francis: 10 years after Lumen Fidei


Benedict XVI
Lumen Fidei

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Campagnaro, M. (2023). The concept of faith from Benedict to Francis: 10 years after Lumen Fidei. Quarterly Journal Fides Et Ratio, 56(4), 25-35.


This article, referring to the tenth anniversary of the publication of the encyclical Lumen Fidei in 2013, the first encyclical of Pope Francis, which he wrote to complement the work of Benedict XVI, will want to show, on the one hand, the hermeneutical continuity between the two pontificates, with regard to faith and its transmission, on the other and methodological differentiation in relation to the concept of faith between the German and the Argentinian pope.

Analyzing Lumen Fidei, the article shows the exemplary unity of intentions of both Popes who, despite coming from different theological and existential experiences, find themselves in this document and propose a unifying message that includes, on the one hand, a clear analysis of the act of faith to demonstrate its rationality and necessity, to be fully "human" clearly inspired by Ratzinger, and on the other hand, the practicality of faith and its impact on today's areas of life and society with a decidedly more Bergoglian inspiration. The theological genius of Benedict, one of the greatest theologians who ascended the papal throne, and the pastoral charisma of Francis, the first Latin American Jesuit and Pope, remain an inexhaustible source of inspiration for all believers.


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