The level of stress in pregnant women during hospitalization in the Pregnancy Pathology department


stress in pregnancy
sociodemographic factors

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Postępska, W., Kanadys, K., Kęsik, J. J., Ślizień-Kuczapska, E., & Pilewska-Kozak, A. B. (2023). The level of stress in pregnant women during hospitalization in the Pregnancy Pathology department. Quarterly Journal Fides Et Ratio, 55(3), 58-66.


Introduction and aims. Pregnancy is a physiological state for a woman. However, if pathology develops, the course of pregnancy is affected by both mental and biological stress. Stress experienced during pregnancy may irreversibly alter the cerebral structures in the foetus. Moreover, chronic stress is likely to cause miscarriage, preterm delivery, IUGR, low birth weight, etc.

The aim of the study was to analyse the stress level in hospitalized pregnant women with account forsociodemographic factors.

Material and methods. The study was carried out in a group of 140 pregnant women hospitalized in the Department of Pregnancy Pathology, Independent State Clinical Hospital No.1 in Lublin. Inclusion criteria for the study were: age 18 or older, established pregnancy, and hospitalization for more than 2 weeks in a pregnancy pathology department. The participants were diagnostically surveyed by the Perceptible Stress Scale (PSS-10) and a questionnaire created for the study.

Results. Almost every second (76; 54.3%) pregnant woman demonstrated low level of stress, 13.6% (n=19) respondents showed average level, and high level was detected in 32.1% (n= 45) of the respondents. A statistically significant correlation was found between the level of perceived stress and education (p=0.031), financial situation (p=0.017).

Conclusions. During hospitalization, nearly every third pregnant woman was affected by a high level of stress. The very fact that the health of the child and/or pregnant mother is found to be at risk is already a source of stress for the woman. Higher intensity of stress - statistically significant concerned mothers with professional education and average financial situation. Data from reports in the literature indicate that stress during pregnancy can also negatively affect the health of the psycho-physical diady- mother child. Further research in this area is needed, along with the possibility of taking measures to promote the psychophysical comfort of hospitalized mothers.


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