“High sensitivity” is a relatively new construct, especially in Polish psychology. Although it is sometimes a subject of controversy in the scientific world, it seems to have explanatory significance, helping to understand the mechanism of human functioning in various spheres. The purpose of the research project was to explore the relationships between the intensity of sensitivity and eating behaviors in young adult women. The sample consisted of 213 participants in young adulthood (i.e., from 20 to 35 years old). The selection of respondents was purposeful, and the inclusion criteria were gender and age. The High Sensitivity Scale by Elaine Aron, adapted by Agata Borzyszkowska, and the Questionnaire of Eating-Related Behaviors by Nina Ogińska-Bulik and Leszek Putyński were used to measure the main variables. As a result of the analysis of the obtained research material, the main assumption about the existence of a relationship between the intensity of sensitivity and eating behaviors in the examined women was confirmed. The higher the level of sensitivity intensity, the higher the tendency for abnormal eating behaviors. A correlation was also found between the difference in real and ideal body mass and eating behaviors, both in their general dimension, emotional eating, and dietary restrictions. Additionally, it was documented that the greater the difference between real and ideal body mass, the greater the tendency of the examined women to exhibit abnormal eating behaviors. A partial relationship between the assessment of the adequacy of support and the burden of stress with eating behaviors was also confirmed.
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