Techniques used during childbirth to correct fetal position and improve labour process


optimal mother position
optimal fetal position
progress in labour

How to Cite

Witkiewicz, M., Baranowska, B. M., Piskorska, M., & Tataj-Puzyna, U. (2023). Techniques used during childbirth to correct fetal position and improve labour process. Quarterly Journal Fides Et Ratio, 55(3), 67-72.


The process of labour is determined by various elements, and only some of them might be controlled by woman or medical professional. The conditions for efficient movement of the fetal head in birth canal, including the anatomy of the pelvis and soft tissues, uterine activity, fetal position and women's approach to the same are essential. This article describes techniques and methods which can be facilitated to gain the improvement and therefore advance the fetus through the birth canal in case of suboptimal condition of childbirth.


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