Influencer’s era – the role of experts in the digital world. Do we still need their forecasts and advice?


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Łuczuk, P., & Maj, S. (2023). Influencer’s era – the role of experts in the digital world. Do we still need their forecasts and advice?. Quarterly Journal Fides Et Ratio, 56(4), 147-156.


Influencer’s era–the role of experts in the digital world. Do we still need their forecasts and advice? We live in an information society. Estimates show that by 2025 global data production will increase to over 180 zettabytes. Along with the dissemination of the Internet, the development of digital communication and the reduction of digital exclusion, we are facing a serious crisis of expert culture. Over the years, it is experts who played an important role in society, today we ask where the border between professionals and specialists with specific knowledge, and experts-soremen, who gather hundreds of thousands of thousands of users in front of the screens of mobile devices in front of the screens of mobile devices in front of the screens of mobile devices. In the course of consideration of the above issues, the authors decided to develop a new expert definition based on a review of literature together with the use of the syncretic method and the original research model. The latter was successfully used in previous studies. As part of the considerations on the indicated issues, the authors focus on four key phenomena: Influencer marketing development–as a new variety of the so -called expert sector; virtual exhibitionism in the context of surveillance capitalism; functioning of the expert sector in the Bigdata era; The role of experts- futurists reaching for the models of forecasting the future. Is there still room for experts in the thicket of data? The answer to this question is the key to defining who the expert of the future will be.


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