Being a man of faith in the teaching of Pope Benedict XVI


Benedict XVI

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Żukowska-Gardzińska, D. (2023). Being a man of faith in the teaching of Pope Benedict XVI. Quarterly Journal Fides Et Ratio, 56(4), 20-24.


Before Benedict XVI became Pope, he was often referred to as an armoured cardinal. As prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, he served the Church as a theologian protecting dogma and orthodoxy in the implementation of the Decalogue and the truths of the faith. In the great wealth of texts and speeches he left behind, his personal, but also the foundation of his own theology, is present an answer to the question of what it means to be a believer.In his classic work, Introduction to Christianity, Cardinal Ratzinger concentrated on an analysis of the words of the Creed from the first I believe to the last amen. The most important, the most obvious, but at the same time the most difficult aspect of the Christian faith is that it has a personal character. Its essential formulation is: I believe in you. Understood in this way, faith is an encounter with the person of Jesus Christ and, through him, with the personal God, in the Trinity one.


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