Social support among young people in foster care as they move to independence and selected sociodemographic variables
Quarterly Journal Fides et Ratio. Issue 57(1)2024


foster care
move to independence
social support
foster care leavers

How to Cite

Koprowicz, A., & Gumowska, I. (2024). Social support among young people in foster care as they move to independence and selected sociodemographic variables. Quarterly Journal Fides Et Ratio, 57(1), 48-66.


Background: Every year, about 5,000 people raised outside their family environment become independent in Poland. The time of entering adulthood may be more difficult for them than for those raised in their biological families, due to previously experienced neglect in care, as well as the lack of adequate support during the period of entering adulthood. The purpose of the research presented in this article was to learn about the variables relevant to the sense of social support of foster care alumni becoming independent, and to find an answer to the question of whether adolescents raised outside their families differ in terms of perceived support from their peers raised by their parents.

Method: 270 people were surveyed, half of whom are alumni of various forms of foster care in the process of becoming independent. The independent variables controlled in the study were gender, age of the respondents, the type of foster care they grew up in, and their current living situation related to their place of residence, source of income, continuing education and being in a stable relationship. The tool used (WSSWS) allowed us to find out the overall score, as well as the sense of support received from three sources: from family, friends and from a significant other.

Results: The results indicate that foster care leavers differ from their peers raised in families in terms of their sense of support received from family and a significant other, with the former rating lower and the latter higher than respondents in the control group. Among the variables relevant to perceived social support, especially from a significant other, were gender, age, type of foster care, housing situation, source of income, being in a stable relationship and the type of school where the alumni continue their education.

Conclusions: The article contributes to the discussion on the importance of social support in the process of becoming independent, especially with regard to the role of a mentor who can help ease the difficult transition from childhood to adulthood.


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