The Importance of Social Support in the Occurrence of Mental Disorders in Patients Suffering from Psoriasis Vulgaris


psoriasis vulgaris
depressive disorders
social support
adaptation model

How to Cite

Wojtach, K., & Pankowski, D. (2024). The Importance of Social Support in the Occurrence of Mental Disorders in Patients Suffering from Psoriasis Vulgaris. Quarterly Journal Fides Et Ratio, 59(3), 168-179.


Psoriasis represents a global issue affecting approximately 1% of the Caucasian population, contributing not only to aesthetic concerns but also to stigmatization, social isolation, and an overall decline in quality of life. The chronic inflammatory state in the patient's body predisposes them to a higher susceptibility to anxiety and depressive disorders. Novel treatment methods, particularly monoclonal antibodies, may serve as a bridge between physical and psychological benefits.

The research addresses the issues of psychological disorders in patients with common psoriasis and explores the impact of various dimensions of social support on the course of the disease. Topics covered include the etiopathogenesis of psoriasis, the connection between this dermatosis and an increased frequency of psychological disorders, as well as the bidirectional relationship between both disease entities.

Four studies, encompassing clinical, demographic, and psychosocial variables, underwent analysis. Each study description includes statistical analysis, operationalization of variables, and a section dedicated to drawing conclusions. In the discussion section, a strong correlation between social support and the psychological state of dermatological patients is demonstrated. An integrated approach to the therapeutic process and the benefits of a holistic approach to issues related to chronic inflammatory diseases are also discussed.

The theory of bidirectional relations between psoriasis and depression opens new possibilities for clinicians and psychologists. The work emphasizes that utilizing proven stress coping strategies based on various dimensions of social support can be a significant protective factor against psychological disorders associated with psoriasis. These actions have the potential to impact not only the psychological well-being of the patient but also to reduce the severity of skin symptoms. In light of this hypothesis, the study emphasizes the implementation of effective coping strategies in challenging situations, contributing to the improvement of the quality of life for patients with common psoriasis.


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