The aim of the article is to present self-compassion as a resource in the context of performing a parental role and its importance for interactions with a child. The study included an analysis of existing data. A meta-analysis of concepts related to the main variable described in the article and their relationships with parenting was performed. Self-compassion, as a variable conducive to a person’s mental well-being and coping with difficulties, is an important factor that helps in fulfilling parental roles, supporting the child’s development and building a healthy relationship with the child. Source analyzes allowed to show self-compassion as an important resource and a factor supporting coping with negative affect, difficulties, as well as supporting the parent’s psychological functioning. It is an important area of human development and adaptability–also in the role of a parent. Theoretical analyzes presented in this study lead to recommendations for research on the development of self-compassion among parents as a variable supporting their functioning.
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