Resiliency Scales – tool adaptation and a preliminary analysis of psychometric properties


instrument adaptation
mild intellectual disability
psychological resilience

How to Cite

Wójciak, A. (2024). Resiliency Scales – tool adaptation and a preliminary analysis of psychometric properties. Quarterly Journal Fides Et Ratio, 59(3), 180-187.


The presented study aimed to adapt the Resiliency Scales – A Profile of Personal Strengths in a group of 357 students (178 adolescents with mild intellectual disability and 179 students within intellectual norm) and to conduct a preliminary analysis of its psychometric properties. In accordance with the theoretical background of the completed analyses – resilience theory – the respondents taking part in the study have experienced various challenges during their life. The Resiliency Scales – A Profile of Personal Strengths intends to measure such personality traits of an individual that enable them to better overcome difficulties and adversity (Prince-Embury, 2006). The first stage of the psychometric verification was to study descriptive statistics and distribution. The next stage was reliability analysis and confirmation procedure for factor analysis. The last phase of the adaptation was to standardize the results and prepare norms. As a result of the performed analyses, it can be concluded that Resiliency Scales – A Profile of Personal Strengths is characterized by satisfactory psychometric properties.


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