The smartphone that cannot be abandoned - the phenomenon of nomophobia among students



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Derbich, J., Kuk, A., & Milde, K. (2024). The smartphone that cannot be abandoned - the phenomenon of nomophobia among students. Quarterly Journal Fides Et Ratio, 58(2), 27-37.


Digital technologies are widespread and common in modern life and are a fundamental form of human communication. The smartphone, a small device that can easily fit in a pocket, makes it possible to meet many of our daily needs. Although a smartphone makes people’s life easier, it also often becomes a source of anxiety, which in the long term can negatively affect psychological well-being. There can also be other consequences of nomophobia, for example, excessive attachment to the smartphone can become the cause of a systematic reduction of the real presence of other people in our lives. In this way, communication and dialogue with another person are disrupted and may even cease to exist at all.

The purpose of the research was to identify the phenomenon of nomophobia among students. Differences were sought in the severity of nomophobia by gender, type of sport practised (individual versus team), taking up or not taking up professional activity, and correlations between the individual dimensions of nomophobia.

A total of 102 students at the Józef Piłsudski University of Physical Education in Warsaw studying Sport participated in the study, including 23 women and 79 men. The average age of the students was 19.3 years. There were 80 people in the study group who practise sport. The average training experience was 8.5 years. The Nomophobia Questionnaire (NMP-Q) (Yildirim, Correia, 2015) was used to collect empirical data.

Gender differences were observed in terms of the overall nomophobia rate and one of its dimensions, which is the inability to communicate. Significantly higher scores were obtained by the female students surveyed. Factors that do not differentiate the severity of nomophobia among the students surveyed are: the type of sport played (individual versus team), taking up or not taking up a job. There are positive correlations between the individual dimensions of nomophobia.


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