Listen, talk, understand. Interpersonal communication in a senior project


social exclusion

How to Cite

Szczęsna, I. (2024). Listen, talk, understand. Interpersonal communication in a senior project. Quarterly Journal Fides Et Ratio, 58(2), 68-76.


Studies carried out around the world on the structure of human populations clearly indicate that modern society is “aging”. Demographic indicators show the dynamism of this process, and thus the trend of population ageing will intensify in the coming years. That is why the activation and activity of older people is so important, this is a condition for functioning in society, playing assigned social roles, meeting bio-psychosocial needs and, above all, communicating. Its absence can cause progressive disability, social isolation, loneliness. That is why activating senior projects aimed at increasing independence and counteracting the risk of social marginalization are so important in the lives of seniors. The aim of the research was to establish the factors that determine proper communication with the elderly people. The study involved 86 seniors, participants of the senior project entitled: "Passion - a recipe for eternal youth". A qualitative strategy was used to collect and analyze the data using partially categorized interviews. In order to supplement the information obtained during the interviews, an analysis of the documents held by the senior project organizer was carried out. The presentation of the results of the study was divided into three areas related to communication: listening, talking, understanding. In order to build effective interpersonal communication with seniors, it is important to understand individual experiences, specific needs, expectations and concerns. For seniors in the process of interpersonal communication important elements are: empathy, patience, commitment, as well as understanding their shortcomings related to the aging process. The openness of expressing desires and needs by seniors is fostered by appreciation and listening. In their family environment, they notice a deficit in the area of active listening, as well as the infantilization of the message addressed to them. They emphasize the very important importance of communication in their lives, and identify its lack with loneliness and isolation. They believe that the activity they undertake in the auditory, motor and cognitive spheres affects the slowing down of the aging process, as well as helps in communication. Taking into account the results of the study, it should be proposed to increase the awareness of people working in senior projects on the specifics of interpersonal communication with seniors through the organization of educational trainings in this area, which should be reflected in legal regulations.


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