Length of employment and burnout among programmers in the conceptualisation of ressentiment


professional burnout
length of employment

How to Cite

Karbowski, M., & Chendoszko, D. (2024). Length of employment and burnout among programmers in the conceptualisation of ressentiment. Quarterly Journal Fides Et Ratio, 58(2), 46-57. https://doi.org/10.34766/fetr.v58i2.1276


The paper discusses the relationship between the length of employment and burnout among programmers in the conceptualisation of ressentiment. Due to the lack of extensive studies in the literature on the impact of the length of employment on burnout in programmers, in the light of ressentiment, the authors decide to broaden the knowledge on this topic. In this study, the aim is to demonstrate the impact of the length of employment on the occurrence of burnout in programmers. A total of 80 men who deal with programming every day were studied. The respondents were characterised by a variety of length of employment from 1 year to 40 years. In order to measure the variables, the Burnout Questionnaire (LBQ) and the OLBI Questionnaire (The Oldenburg Burnout Inventory) were used to examine burnout and its components: psychophysical exhaustion, lack of engagement with clients, feelings of lack of professional effectiveness, and disappointment. Research tools such as the KR Resentment Questionnaire and the Gotland Male Depression Scale (GMDS) were also used to measure distress.



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