Body image of postmenopausal women


body evaluation

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Pałucka, K., Bałanda - Bałdyga , A., Syty, K., Putowski , L., & Pilewska - Kozak , A. B. (2024). Body image of postmenopausal women. Quarterly Journal Fides Et Ratio, 59(3), 92-100.


Abstract: Body image is a multidimensional, subjective, and dynamically changing concept that includes personal perceptions and feelings towards one's body. Menopause is associated with significant changes in external appearance and physical functioning. Aim: The study aimed to determine how women of postmenopausal age assess their bodies and what factors influence this evaluation. Material and methods: The research was conducted in six randomly selected gynaecological and primary health care clinics in Lublin. A total of 510 women were included in the study. A diagnostic survey was used as the research method. The research tool was a questionnaire consisting of a self-constructed part (socio-demographic data) and a standardized Body Esteem Scale questionnaire (BES). Results: In all subscales (sexual attractiveness, body control, and physical fitness), average results were obtained, although the highest was about body weight control (M = 5.85±2.00) and the lowest was related to sexual attractiveness (M = 4.78±2.17). The values of all subscales were significantly differentiated by the subjective assessment of the participant's health status (p<0.05). The values of sexual attractiveness were significantly related to the place of residence (p = 0.021) and the employment status of the participants (p = 0.030). The values of self-assessment of physical fitness were significant with the place of residence (p = 0.012) and the marital status of the participants (p<0.001). Conclusion: Women in postmenopausal age perceive their bodies in all categories (sexual attractiveness, body weight control/body strength, physical fitness) at an average level, indicating the need for psychosocial support. Providing them with support with their self-acceptance, and perhaps lifestyle changes, may improve their self-esteem to their body image.


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