Consequences of bullying on the life and health of the person being bullied



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Szczęsna, I. (2024). Consequences of bullying on the life and health of the person being bullied. Quarterly Journal Fides Et Ratio, 59(3), 141-149.


One of the most serious pathologies in the work environment is bullying. Victims of mobbing experience emotional, psychological and sometimes even physical violence, which causes consequences on an individual, organizational, social level. Due to the serious consequences of bullying, it becomes necessary to continuously monitor this phenomenon in the context of formulating possible ways to prevent and rehabilitate those who have experienced it. The purpose of the research undertaken was to learn about the consequences of bullying on the personal lives and health of victims of bullying. 13 respondents took part in the study. In selecting the sample, the assumption was made that those taking part in the study must have a court case held, during which the occurrence of mobbing in the employment relationship was found. A qualitative strategy using a narrative interview was used to obtain and analyze data. The presentation of the results of the study was divided into two areas: the consequences of bullying on personal life and the consequences of bullying on the victim's health. The most common symptoms of somatic disorders in the subjects related to the experience of bullying were headaches, dizziness, abdominal pain, nausea, pain in the heart area, sleep disturbances, and general weakness. In the area of mental disorders associated with experienced bullying, those surveyed most often mentioned: concentration and attention disorders, mood disorders, depression, addiction to psychoactive substances, and even suicidal thoughts. All the mental disorders mentioned are inextricably linked to exposure to chronic stress. It is the substrate of physiological, emotional and behavioral reactions, as well as intellectual reactions. All the listed consequences of bullying on the health of the victim, affect personal life. The experience of bullying affects a person's creative activity, which is passion. The consequence of bullying situations is the abandonment of activity, and the return to previous passions causes frustration, stress, and attacks of aggression in the subjects. Those affected by bullying transfer their problems to their private lives, so the effects of bullying also affect the immediate family. The prolongation of the bullying situation and the behavior of the victim of bullying often leads in the family sphere to: quarrels, frustration, deterioration of ties and relations, aggression and family breakdown. In order to design intervention and prevention measures, it is necessary to increase public awareness of the phenomenon of mobbing and its consequences for the individual, the organization and society.


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