The engagement as a change in the life of the couple and the dimensions of communication in the dyad, such as support, commitment and depreciation
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How to Cite

Iwanicka, K. (2020). The engagement as a change in the life of the couple and the dimensions of communication in the dyad, such as support, commitment and depreciation. Quarterly Journal Fides Et Ratio, 41(1), 97-113.


The subject of the research presented in this paper is the impact that engagement treated as
a change in the life of a couple has on the communication in the dyad. The identified dimensions of the communication are following: support, commitment and depreciation. All presented dimensions are based on the Marriage Communication Questionnaire by Plopa. The location of the individual's results on these continuums is important for his functioning in a love relationship, and thus indirectly also for achieving life satisfaction. The results show an inverse relationship between the length of the relationship and the dimension of support toward a partner (result at tendency level) that can be explained by an increase in the sense of loneliness along with the growing length of seniority in a relationship.
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Copyright (c) 2020 Quarterly Journal Fides et Ratio


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