Liberal Artes: Wish to transmit science and knowledge to younger generations
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Filipowicz, B. (2018). Liberal Artes: Wish to transmit science and knowledge to younger generations. Quarterly Journal Fides Et Ratio, 37(1), 33-49.


The article written by Bogusława Filipowicz entitled Artes liberales: Wish to pass the knowledge to younger generations is an account of the integral-cultural value of the sciences and techniques known today and initiated in antiquity. The history of science and technology is a research problem which they deal with, among others historians, linguists, specialists in natural sciences, physics and mathematics, architecture and arts, geography and music. Reflection on the development of sciences leads to their source. It is the ability of a man to learn about the world in which he participates, and to make intelligent use of the benefits of the known and systematized laws of nature. In humanistic terms, these benefits do not contradict man, his personal dignity. On the contrary, they serve its development and practices of transferring knowledge to future generations. The article emphasizes the ancient understanding of science and arts, including the understanding of artes liberales by Seneca. The author indicates the possibility of using knowledge about arts in order to provide an integral-cultural approach to social processes, for example, forgiveness in the context of the memory of genocide (Rwanda), or education about the history of grace in the context of the history of punishment.
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(en 2011, texte trad. en franç. par Boguslawa Filipowicz à la demande de Centre Européen de Recherches sur la Peine - Université de Varsovie)


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