Self-esteem and hope for success among young adults
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hope for success
the feeling of subjectivity
sense of authorship and competence

How to Cite

Grabowski, A. (2019). Self-esteem and hope for success among young adults. Quarterly Journal Fides Et Ratio, 37(1), 83-94.


This thesis presents the results of research on a link between self-esteem and hope for success. The research covered a group of 139 people, including 70 women and 69 men, aged 18-35. The research hypothesis assumes that there is a correlation between said variables in the surveyed population. Besides the verification of the research hypothesis the author tries to inquire into the possible existence of gender-wise differences in the levels of self-esteem and hope for success among young adults. Statistical analysis of the results obtained leads to the following conclusions: 1) the higher the level of hope for success, the: higher the self-esteem; the bigger the ability to defend one’s rights; and the stronger the belief in being loved; 2) the bigger the ability to find solutions, the easier it is to express one’s opinions, especially deny one’s consent to being used or hurt by others; 3) the higher the level of strong will, the: greater the respect for oneself and one’s needs; the bigger the ability to defend one’s rights; and the stronger the belief in being loved by the loved ones; 4) young men do not differ from young women in terms of the level of hope for success and self-esteem.
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