Job satisfaction and mental health among young adults – a role of a sibling relationship
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mental health
job satisfaction
sibling relationships

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Walęcka-Matyja, K. (2019). Job satisfaction and mental health among young adults – a role of a sibling relationship. Quarterly Journal Fides Et Ratio, 37(1), 109-124.


This study investigated the association between job satisfaction, the quality of adult sibling interpersonal relationships and mental health in young adults. The second aim of the study was to determine a moderating role of the quality of adult sibling interpersonal relationships in the correlation between job satisfaction and mental health in young adults as well as a moderating role of job satisfaction in the correlation between mental health and adult sibling relationships. The study included 84 young persons (M=25.5; SD=3.44). The research tools: Work Description Sheet, General Health Questionnaire–28 and Adult Sibling Relationship Questionnaire. The obtained results show that it was found out that a low general job satisfaction as well as its factors were linked with poorer mental health of the examined persons. The positive correlations but week were observed between perceiving conflict and rivalry in relationships with adult siblings and mental health dimensions. It was found out that both a relationship with adult siblings is a moderator of the correlation between job satisfaction and mental health and that job satisfaction is a moderator of the correlation between adult sibling relationships and mental health. It was found out that the quality of interactions between the relationships in the subsystem of adult siblings and job satisfaction reveals the links with the condition of mental health. That opens up an opportunity not only to learn more about the psychological aspects of young adults’ functioning on the labour market but also to protect their mental health.
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