Polish Institute in Rome and Promotion of Polish Culture for Young People, 2016-2018
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Polish Institute in Rome
Polish culture
cultural diplomacy

How to Cite

Bender, A. (2019). Polish Institute in Rome and Promotion of Polish Culture for Young People, 2016-2018. Quarterly Journal Fides Et Ratio, 37(1), 250-268. https://doi.org/10.34766/fetr.v1i37.49


The article at its introduction presents a short history of this institution, describing its stylish seat, situated in the heart the historical part of Rome. The second and most prominent part of the text, describes events – scholarly and artistic, organised and co-organised by the Polish Institute in Rome, in 2016-2018. All these events which were organised across Italy and in the Republic of Malta, promoted Polish culture, history and science. It has been stressed that recently, Polish-Italian relations in the field of cultural diplomacy were very good. Since the pontificate of John Paul II, Italian attitude to Poles and Poland has been very favourable and still the interest in Polish issues remains strong. This phenomenon is confirmed by the significant participation of young Italians in the World Youth Day in Cracow, in 2016 – the Italian group was the largest national delegation. The promotion and teaching of the Polish language are among priorities of Polish Institutes activities worldwide. The Polish Institute in Rome collaborated with all 13 Polish studies institutions in Italy, which are the most numerous in the world. This article mentions two multidisciplinary festivals among events organised by the Polish Institute. Both annual festivals have been organised for several years and both have been incorporated to the Roman cultural life. In that way, organisation of these festivals makes it possible to actively work with the Italian media and attract the public attention. Corso Polonia – the festival of Polish culture and CiakPolska – the festival of Polish films, are always connected with an important anniversary or project for a given year. At the end of the text, it is stressed that the Institute, thanks to Facebook, Twitter and its newsletter was able to promote its events and cultural news in Italy and in Poland, in order to inform the widest circles of the young population.

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