The attachment-forming effects of the first sexual relationship. Consequences of dissolution of the first sexual relationship in light of attachment theory

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Juroszek, W., & Ryś, M. (2019). The attachment-forming effects of the first sexual relationship. Consequences of dissolution of the first sexual relationship in light of attachment theory . Quarterly Journal Fides Et Ratio, 29(1), 37-50. Retrieved from


John Bowlby demonstrated the importance of the mother-infant relationship by examining the consequences of its disruption, which manifest themselves in disturbed responses, especially in close relationships. In this paper, it is assumed that since the termination of the first close relationship with one’s caregiver (usually mother) hampers the formation of a close attachment to other people, then perhaps also the dissolution of a significant romantic relationship may hinder the creation of a subsequent relationship. The publications quoted in this work indicate that the more sexual partners an individual has had, the more difficult it is to successfully build a lasting romantic relationship, especially in the case of women. This seems to support the attachment-forming effect of the first sexual relationship. Furthermore, other authors report negative psychological consequences caused by the breakup of a romantic relationship. The analysis of the association between mother-infant attachment and the first sexual relationship shows that both are strongly rooted in biology (drives). Therefore, the focus is on elucidating the effects of maternal and sexual drives, respectively, on relationship durability, as well as determining the implications of the imprinting process. Finally, the significance of touch in both types of relationships is discussed on the basis of, inter alia, Bowlby’s observations and Harry Harlow’s classic study into primate development. All the evidence presented supports the hypothesis that the first sexual relation has

an attachment-forming effect.



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