The biology of the cervix: biophysical and biochemical aspects A general review

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Menárguez, M., Odeblad, E., & Temprano, H. (2018). The biology of the cervix: biophysical and biochemical aspects A general review. Quarterly Journal Fides Et Ratio, 35(3), 139-151. Retrieved from


Cervical mucus is a viscous fluid, produced by the cervical glands. It plays a fundamental role in the selection, transportation and capacitation of spermatozoids. Mucus from the lumen of the cervix appears to be a morphologically heterogeneous entity. The studies show the presence of four different morphological mucus types, namely L, S, P and G, studied by scanning electron microscopy, the proportion of which vary throughout the menstrual cycle. The different mucosal types show different types of crystallization, different patterns of ultrastructure (probably related to the arrangement of the glycoprotein network) and are produced in different secretory zones of the crypts in the cervix. What is surprising in this investigation is to observe the care that Nature has bestowed upon the selection and filtering of the sperm, being extraordinarily generous with the number of spermatozoids secreted in each ejaculation (40-50 million). Later, it puts them through a large number of tests and difficulties in advancing. At the end, only one of them, the best, is responsible, together with the ovule, for the generation of a new human life.



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